睽違五年~~阿姆又回來了!!!= =+
然後我就氣到要來發文章!結果打文的時候 嗯?我在氣什麼阿?
"We Made You 我們造孽"這首歌其實還滿好聽的耶!我是指女聲的地方…
反正不要看MV 我也不知道他在唱什麼 聽的倒滿開心的齁XD
阿姆很多首歌都不錯聽啦~以前有瘋過他的Like Toy Soldiers(玩具兵團)
潔西卡猩普森ˋ累哈娜ˋ琳賽蘿寒ˋ艾霉懷絲ˋ珍泥佛安妮斯頓… = =
這首歌其實還滿有意思的 「忘了這些壞男人 小姐別老愛錯人」
有三寨板李將軍耶XD 五角也有客串~ 那個便形金剛跟喇嘰是怎麼回事 囧
敢拒絕超級饒舌天王阿姆(Eminem)合作邀約的下場會是什麼?答案是會被寫進歌裡虧一頓!阿姆看上英國話題歌后艾美懷絲的好歌聲,力邀她合作新歌,沒想到艾美懷絲竟然給阿姆軟釘子碰,以「時機不對」為理由拒絕阿姆的邀約。有點不是滋味的阿姆就在新歌”我們造孽”We made you”中酸了一下艾美的藥物問題,還在音樂錄影帶中與「山寨版艾美懷絲」大玩喇舌秀,阿姆以MV向艾美嗆聲,火藥味十足!其他在新歌MV中招被虧的名人還包括琳賽蘿涵、布蘭妮、潔西卡辛普森、珍妮佛安妮斯頓、莎拉裴琳、艾倫等近20位名人,阿姆相隔5年重返樂壇,罵功依舊不是蓋的。
Guess Who
You Miss me?
Jessica Simpson sing the chorus
Jessica Simpson – (Eminem)
When you walked through the door
It was clear to me (clear to me)
You’re the one they adore, who they came to see (who they came to see)
You’re a … rock star (baby)
Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)
Player… Who can really blame you (who can really blame you)
We're the ones who (chicka) made you *cough, cough*
Back by popular demand
Now pop a little Zantac or ant'-acid if you can
You're ready to tackle any task that is at hand
How does it feel, is it fantastic, is it grand?
Well look at all the massive masses in the stands
Shady man… no don’t massacre the fans
Damn, I think Kim Kardashians a man
She stomped him just cause he asked to put his hands
On her massive Gluteus maximus again
Squeeze it, then Squish it, then pass it to her friend
Can he come back as nasty as he can
Yes he can, can, don’t ask me this again
He does not mean to lesbian offend
But Lindsay please come back to seeing men
Samantha’s a 2, You’re practically a 10
I know you want me girl,
In fact I see your grin
(Now come in girl)
When you walked through the door
It was clear to me (clear to me)
You’re the one they adore, who they came to see (who they came to see)
You’re a … rock star (baby)
Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)
Player… Who can really blame you (who can really blame you)
We're the ones who made you
The enforcer, looking for more women to torture
Walk up to the cutest girl and Charlie Horse her
Sorry Portia, but what’s Ellen DeGeneres
Have that I don't, are you telling me tenderness?
Well I can be as gentle and as smooth as a gentleman
Give me my ventolin inhaler and 2 xenedrine
And I'll invite Sarah Palin out to dinner then
Nail her, 'Baby say hello to my little friend'
Brit f’rget K-Fed let’s cut off the middle man
Forget him or your gonna end up in the hospital again
And this time it won’t be for the Ritalin binge
Forget them other men, girl pay them little atten-tion
A little did I mention, that Jennifer's in-
Love with me John Mayer so sit on the bench
Man I swear them other guys you give ‘em an inch
They take a mile, they got style, but it isn't Slim
When you walked through the door
It was clear to me (clear to me)
You’re the one they adore, who they came to see (who they came to see)
You’re a … rock star (baby)
Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)
Player… Who can really blame you (who can really blame you)
Were the ones who made you
And that’s why… my love
You'll never live without,
I know you want me girl cause I can see you checking me out
And baby, you know, you know you want me too
Don’t try to deny it baby, I’m the only one for you
Damn girl I’m beginning to sprout an Alfalfa
Why should I wash my filthy mouth out
You think that’s bad you should hear the rest of my album
Never has there been such finesse and nostalgia
Man Cash, I don’t mean to mess up your gal but
Jessica Alba put a breast in my mouth (brrp)
Wowzers, I just made a mess of my trousers
And they wonder why I keep dressing like Elvis
Lord help us he's back in his pink Alf shirt
Looking like someone shrinked his outfit
I think he’s about to flip
Jessica rest assure, Superman’s here to rescue ya
Can you blame me?
You’re my Amy, I’m your Blake
Matter fact make me a birthday cake
With a saw blade in it to make my jail break
Baby, I think you just met your soul mate
(Now break it down girl)
When you walked through the door
It was clear to me (clear to me)
You’re the one they adore, who they came to see (who they came to see)
You’re a … rock star (baby)
Everybody wants you (everybody wants you)
Player… Who can really blame you (who can really blame you)
Were the ones who made you
So baby, baby
Get down, down, down
Baby, get down, down down
Baby, get down, down down
Baby, get down, get down
Baby, get down, down down
Baby, get down, down down
Baby, get down, down down
Baby, get down, get down
Oh Amy, Rehab never looked so good,
I can't wait, I’m going back!! HAHA Whooo!
DR DRE, 2020, Yeah
阿姆 / 又來了 Eminem / Relapse
阿姆以全球超過7500萬張的唱片銷售成為過去十年來最暢銷藝人,出道至今已贏得9座葛萊美獎、9座Billboard音樂獎、9座美國MTV音樂獎、9座MTV歐洲音樂獎、6座全美音樂獎、3座全美直選大獎、3座全英音樂獎,2002年還以電影「街頭痞子」主題曲"Lose Yourself"拿下奧斯卡獎。然而阿姆卻在事業日正當中時有了引退的想法,好友Proof(嘻哈樂團D12成員)的身亡更重創了阿姆,他說:「在Proof過世一年後,我才回到正常生活,那一年的時間,我連下床起身都很難,更別提寫歌了,我的腦袋亂成一團。」陷入低潮的阿姆足不出戶,甚至染上藥癮,眼看著復出之日遙遙無期。誰也沒想到,阿姆突然在2008年10月15號宣佈重返樂壇,並從2007年秋天開始與恩師德瑞博士(Dr. Dre)進行最新大碟【Relapse】的錄製工作,新專輯終於在2009年5月19日在全球問世。
新輯【Relapse】的整體概念暗指阿姆對抗多年的敵人 – 藥癮。從無數藥丸排列成阿姆肖像的專輯封面,到故弄懸虛的勒戒中心專輯官方網站(www.popsomphills.com),阿姆用音樂自爆他的藥物問題和內心世界。首支意外在網路曝光的單曲"Crack A Bottle",2009年2月一推出就憑藉著41萬8000次的網路下載量衝上全美熱門單曲榜與流行單曲榜冠軍,創下史上第三高單週付費下載紀錄!接著阿姆又沿續一貫作風,一次戲弄美國副總統參選人裴琳、樂壇話題女王布蘭妮、潔西卡艾芭、潔西卡辛普森一干人等,送上笑死人不償命的精彩單曲"We Made You",發行首週就登上全美熱門單曲榜第9名;而強烈對比的"3 a.m.",則是集「鬼店」、「厄夜叢林」、「沉默的羔羊」等恐怖電影之大成,勒戒不成的阿姆化身變態殺人魔,歌詞中不僅引用電影的對白,也巧妙質問自己的精神狀態。單曲“Old Time’s Sake”阿姆也再度與德瑞博士攜手,洋溢著美國西岸派對節奏風格對唱,直奔美國iTunes排行榜亞軍。整張專輯在阿姆的精心鋪陳下,以穿插故事的對白調侃自己克服藥癮的這段心路歷程,一首接一首讓你體驗到人生中的喜怒哀樂,也讓你好想發自內心驚聲尖叫,「阿姆,你終於回來了!」
博客來介紹:阿姆 EMINEM - 又來了 RELAPSE